Circles [2014]
Made for the Kunstmaan Revue. Animations were shown in a random loop, and projected on a wall. 

Circles from Bram Donders on Vimeo.

De laatste oversteek [The last crossing] [2013]
Directed by Jasper Kuipers, I designed and animated this animated short for Natuurmonumenten/Province of North Holland.

De laatste oversteek [The last crossing] from Bram Donders on Vimeo.

Aurora [2012]
An animated short directed by Aimée de Jongh; about a young woman, lost in the haunted woods.  I mainly animated the wild boar, the owl and the title animation.
Aurora was part of the 'Ultrakort' program, a collaboration between The Dutch Film Fund and Pathé Theatres.

check out the making-of as well:

Den Heilige Eik [The Holy Oak] 2010
An animated documentary about the Holy Oak of Den Hout, of which legends would be told.
A collaboration with Raimke Groothuizen and Nicole Volbeda, commissioned by Schatten van Brabant [Treasures of Brabant, an organisation to promote cultural heritage].

Hoe een Koe een Haas vangt [a Cow may Catch a Hare]
This hand drawn animation interprets the Dutch proverb in a few darkly humoured scenes.
Graduation film St. Joost Art Academy.

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